
Computers can often ease your life greatly or they can cause such frustration. I’m a software developer and I do software development as a hobby. So I buy the Microsoft Compiler like every other version because it is not cheap and their subscription cost is even worse. But for Windows programming, it is by far

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Computer Woes

We got back home to Vancouver. Turn on the main desktop computer and all is working fine. A lot of updates were needed so had it start with that and left it be. Not long after saw the unhappy emoji blue screen of death and wondered how that could have happened. Fine, reboot. And the

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Cell phone madness

Worst purchase ever was buying an LG G4 cell phone. Although I do have a love for the machine. The design was clean and nice with user replaceable battery to boot. Plus it could act like a IR remote control since my actual remove controls with membrane buttons have failed more than their share. The

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Mr. Fix it

Ok, not Marvel’s Grey Hulk but feeling a bit good. The shower head was always spraying at the neck. Somehow the washer inside the hose got all twisted and mangled. Home Depot didn’t have exactly the same washer but found something that worked reasonably well. We’ll see how it goes after a week to see

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Health… We got COVID

Sigh. It was bound to happen sooner or later. I am just glad it happened once vaccines were made though. But it was pretty much inevitable here. Here being Alabama. Denise is doing her Ph.D. here because it was the only school that accepted her application. Probably helps that she got her Master’s degree here,

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I am now 50 years old. Dang. My eyes are not working as well. I have always had glasses but now I need to start using reading and regular glasses for clearly seeing things at a distance. The last few glasses I’ve had were ‘progressive’ lenses. The idea here is that the top portion is

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