Task Tracking

One thing about software development is that you need to stay organized. A big part of that is tracking your todos, features, bugs, etc. (tasks.) For the longest time I was just using a text editor like notepad++. It worked. The problem with going text only is that sorting the list of tasks is very

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Be More Productive.

Ugh… I have been saying this over the last few years. Just a serious lack of motivation and procrastination on my part killing any momentum. However, this year, I am going to make a much more serious effort to stop slacking off. Mainly because I find my future at the company I currently work for

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Computers can often ease your life greatly or they can cause such frustration. I’m a software developer and I do software development as a hobby. So I buy the Microsoft Compiler like every other version because it is not cheap and their subscription cost is even worse. But for Windows programming, it is by far

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Computer Woes

We got back home to Vancouver. Turn on the main desktop computer and all is working fine. A lot of updates were needed so had it start with that and left it be. Not long after saw the unhappy emoji blue screen of death and wondered how that could have happened. Fine, reboot. And the

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