I honestly did not think there were that many stupid people in the USA. Boy was I wrong. But then I think there is a lot of disinformation that people do not get past. Recently, I was in an Uber with a Chinese driver. I would have thought he would be for Kamala. Nope. He was pretty gung ho on Donald. Which I do not get. But then in a way I do get considering this individual probably just watches one of very few channels in his native language and I am pretty sure they are pushing for Donald. I.E. CCP is probably happy Donald won because they can play him like a cheap fiddle. Just like Putin and any other authoritarian country out there.
I seriously hope the US survives this term under Donald. My worst fears are that this was the last election the USA will hold. Donald will be President for life and then hand it down to family members. Worse, if any amount of Project 2025 gets enacted, USA will become a ‘shit-hole’ country that Donald rants about with the Central and South American countries. My predictions, which are already happening. Mortality rates of the people in the US, not just women, will make a steep incline in numbers. Inflation, they thought it was bad under Biden, HOOO boy the dumb twats are going to be in for a surprise. Racism if going to be overt and obvious (as if it is not already) and their planned mass deportations are going to be focused on harming people, not just illegal ‘aliens’ as the US likes to call them but naturalized citizens as well. All the minorities that voted for Donald thinking it will not happen to them are going to be in for a rude surprise. A lot more police brutality and racist behavior. Worse health care and education. There will probably be quite a movement of people moving from ‘shit-hole’ (red) states to blue states where sane people will not be mistreated as poorly. There will still be issues in blue states but at least, hopefully, the politicians will make an effort to not be completely sadistic.
It might be interesting to see if some of the blue states start to talk about seceding from the union. Texas was making noises about doing so if republicans lost. I remember someone floating the idea of Washington, Oregon and California joining Canada. Interesting idea. I recently saw a video showing the GDP of California, and it by itself had trillions of dollars while they compared it to Japan which only had billions of dollars. California basically pays for all the red states almost.
All in all, my wife and I are seriously dismayed and angry with the results. How could people vote for a criminal, rapist, racist, fraudster, adulterer, failure, etc. when they could have voted for someone who is decent with an excellent track record. It defies logic. But then USA has been very much a ‘selfish’ nation. Promise them riches or appeal to their selfishness and you might win. Appear to be compassionate which might work very well in other first world countries does not work here.
My wife and I are very much still in deep south red state and we are glad we are going back home to Canada before the orange buffoon takes office. Because we fear this place will become an unwelcoming shit hole for anyone, not just women and minorities. These next few years are going to be messed up.
I fear for Ukraine. I hope Europe and other “Sane” Western countries will step up and continue their support of Ukraine’s existence.
I fear Russia will see this as an opportunity to try and make inroads on other neighboring countries that it once ruled over when they were known as the USSR.
I fear China will see this as an opportunity to steam roll Taiwan.
I fear for all immigrants in the US. He will fist look at Central and South Americans first but he will not stop there. The mistreatment will extend to East Indians, Africans, Pacific Rim Asians. And because Americans are not really culturally sensitive, or simply do not care if they get things wrong, actual American Citizens that fit the ‘mold’ will also be subjected to a lot more violence and hatred. My wife is from Hong Kong. Even though she was here all during Biden’s Administration, she has been subjected to some of the racism the deep south red stateis known for. It will only get worse because now these Donald supporting racists will feel emboldened to be more open about their racism.
I fear for every person of color in the US as the police, if Donald gets his way, will be immune from wrong doing. So those bad apples in police forces are going to be even more egregious in their behavior and they are going to relish in it. George Floyd and similar victims of brutality are going to more commonplace. I suspect there will be a very violent result when people become fed up with the lack of accountability from the organizations that are meant to ‘server and protect’ are more following George Orwel’s 1984 speak.
I fear a lot of women and their families will be broken because health care is going to cause unnecessary death. It is already happening and it will appear the GOP wants a nationwide abortion ban, no exceptions. Vance has also indicated that violence against women is fine in a marriage. But the rich will be fine because all those rules will not apply to them.
I fear those who have been trying to fit in and just be treated like a human being (LGBT…) are going to now face even more hurtful and vile conduct towards them.
I fear there will be a lot more poverty becoming of all this because a lot more people will get wiped out due to medical costs, legal costs, prison costs. All which will destroy someone’s ability to earn and make a living in the US.
I fear military veterans will be further humiliated with cuts to their much needed and well deserved services; those with disabilities or aged will also find it harder to live.
I fear the workers in unions are going to realize their security in a union is going to be shattered and unstable. I just hope the company who employs you will do right by you but I am guessing a lot of them supported Donald.
I fear diseases we keep at bay with vaccines are going to make a comeback. I dread to hear about the first case of polio to be reported in the next few years.
The world is watching in shock at the shear stupidity of the American people; at the shear stupidity of the American Government. Donald should have been eliminated from running for office for any number of reasons but somehow there are to many sick republicans running the show that refused to listen to the inner voice yelling at them “THIS IS INSANE!”
I really wish Canada would update their voting system so that something this insane can be mitigated. Parts of this election was because Kamala lost votes to third party. And the problem is, this voting is ‘first past the post’. Meaning, who ever has the most votes after voting is done wins. And this is a problem. The winner may not have 50% or more of the votes. That is not democratic in my opinion. It is simple and lazy. The people who voted for candidates that clearly will not win should have secondary vote so that they can still have a say who wins. In the end, the person who has 50% or more is the clear winner. That is democratic in my opinion. This electoral college is garbage. This first past the post is garbage.
This election just made me angry. Even as a foreigner to the USA.
So let us all welcome the upcoming Fascist USA.